ECMAScript Rocks - EdgeTTS. Who Needs Python?

ECMAScript Rocks - EdgeTTS.  Who Needs Python?
Meow, the cat resisted.


Edge-TTS is one of those fascinating technologies with vague license and questionable legitimacy—yet it just performs. I Presume you've used the Edge-TTS Python package. In that case, you might already understand it taps into Microsoft's Bing Text-to-Speech API—the same API powering read-aloud functionality in Microsoft Edge.

But here's the real kicker: Edge-TTS relies on a TRUSTED_CLIENT_TOKEN floating around in the wild, frankly used in numerous repositories and browser extensions. Who disseminated it? Is it lawful to use? No one is sure yet, yet it works, and that's what matters, providing it's legal. Surely someone would tell it? If not, this is also free regarding translation and making it complete, giving it English text and translating it to another language and making it speak, simple as...

🔗 Check out the live demo here!

Breaking It Down: How Edge-TTS Works

At its core, Edge-TTS connects to Microsoft's speech synthesis API using WebSockets, sending SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) requests to generate speech dynamically. Here's what makes it tick:

  • WebSockets: Establishes a real-time connection to the Bing API.
  • Trusted Client Token: The magic key that allows Edge-TTS to function. No one knows who officially issued it, but it's widely used.
  • Sec-MS-GEC Header: A SHA-256 hash that ensures timestamp validity.
  • SSML Input: This tells the TTS engine which voice to use, pitch, speed, and pauses.
  • Audio Stream Output: The API sends back real-time MP3 audio, which plays directly in the browser.

Edge-TTS in the Wild

This isn't just some obscure API locked inside Microsoft Edge. It's available as:

  1. A Python package (pip install edge-tts).
  2. A Google Chrome extension that enables text-to-speech on webpages.
  3. A standalone JavaScript implementation, which we're showing off today.

Now comes the awkward question: is using Edge-TTS outside of Microsoft Edge legal?

The edge-tts Python package and several browser extensions openly use this API. Although Microsoft has never publicly documented the API for third-party use, it remains accessible.

  • No API keys beyond the likely token are needed.
  • There are no official rate limits.
  • No clear terms of service.

This raises a big question: Does Microsoft allow this, or have they just not caught on? Until they do, it works, so let's use it and do not let them say we have not told you so.

Here It Is, Working in JavaScript!

We've taken Edge-TTS and built a pure JavaScript solution. No Python, no dependencies—just a browser, WebSockets, and JavaScript

📝 View the working source code

The basis of which is below. adapt and learn while taking care never to change a header, for should you do that the whole code breaks. Headers are IMPORTANT!

    (C) 2025 AKADATA LIMITED - 28 Feb 2025 - Andrew Smalley
    Based on the Python edge-tts module and Azure EdgeTTS service.

    This code demonstrates a JavaScript implementation inspired by the Python edge-tts module.
    It connects to the Azure EdgeTTS service via WebSocket, sending properly formatted headers and SSML
    to synthesize speech from text. The headers in the requests are critical for proper routing and
    processing by the service—do not edit these headers unless you know exactly what you're doing.

    How can this be improved?
    - Error handling can be further refined for robustness.
    - The code could be modularized further by separating concerns (e.g., a separate module for header construction).
    - Additional customization of SSML parameters (e.g., voice effects) can be provided.
    - Support for additional languages and voices could be integrated.

   * DRM class handles token generation and timestamp calculations required for authentication.
   * It mirrors functionality from the Python edge-tts module by creating secure tokens
   * using SHA-256 hashing.
  class DRM {
    static WIN_EPOCH = 11644473600;             // Windows epoch offset in seconds.
    static S_TO_NS = 1e9;                        // Conversion factor from seconds to nanoseconds.
    static TRUSTED_CLIENT_TOKEN = "6A5AA1D4EAFF4E9FB37E23D68491D6F4"; // Fixed token for service authentication.
    static clockSkewSeconds = 0;                 // Allows adjustment for client-server clock skew.

     * Adjusts the internal clock skew.
     * @param {number} skewSeconds - Number of seconds to adjust.
    static adjustClockSkew(skewSeconds) {
      DRM.clockSkewSeconds += skewSeconds;

     * Returns the current Unix timestamp adjusted for any clock skew.
     * @returns {number} Adjusted Unix timestamp.
    static getUnixTimestamp() {
      return Math.floor( / 1000) + DRM.clockSkewSeconds;

     * Generates a secure message digest for authentication.
     * The digest is calculated using a combination of the timestamp and the trusted client token.
     * @returns {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves to the uppercase hexadecimal digest.
    static async generateSecMsGec() {
      let ticks = DRM.getUnixTimestamp() + DRM.WIN_EPOCH;
      // Round down to nearest multiple of 300 seconds.
      ticks -= ticks % 300;
      // Scale ticks; note: dividing by 100 adjusts the scale for the API.
      ticks *= DRM.S_TO_NS / 100;
      const strToHash = `${Math.floor(ticks)}${DRM.TRUSTED_CLIENT_TOKEN}`;
      const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", new TextEncoder().encode(strToHash));
      return Array.from(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer))
        .map(b => b.toString(16).padStart(2, "0"))

   * EdgeTTS class provides the core functionality for interacting with the Azure EdgeTTS service.
   * It is inspired by the Python edge-tts module, but implemented in JavaScript to run directly in the browser.
  class EdgeTTS {
    // Base URL for the EdgeTTS service.
    static BASE_URL = "";
    // URL to fetch the list of available voices. Do not modify the headers used in these requests.
    static VOICE_LIST_URL = `https://${EdgeTTS.BASE_URL}/voices/list?trustedclienttoken=${DRM.TRUSTED_CLIENT_TOKEN}`;
    // Default voice to use if no preference is specified.
    static DEFAULT_VOICE = "en-GB-LibbyNeural";

    constructor() {
      this.voice = EdgeTTS.DEFAULT_VOICE;
      this.voiceList = []; = null;
      this.audioChunks = [];

     * Fetches available voices from the EdgeTTS service.
     * The headers specify that the response should be in JSON format.
     * Note: Do not edit the "Accept" header if you want this to work.
     * @returns {Promise<Array>} A promise that resolves to an array of voice objects.
    async fetchVoices() {
      try {
        const response = await fetch(EdgeTTS.VOICE_LIST_URL, {
          headers: {
            "Accept": "application/json"
        if (!response.ok) throw new Error(`HTTP Error: ${response.status}`);
        const voices = await response.json();
        // Cache voices in localStorage for faster access.
        localStorage.setItem("edge_tts_voices", JSON.stringify(voices));
        this.voiceList = voices;
        return voices;
      } catch (error) {
        console.error("Failed to fetch voices:", error);
        return [];

     * Determines the best available voice.
     * It first checks for the preferred default voice and falls back to the best alternative.
     * @returns {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves to the chosen voice's short name.
    async getBestVoice() {
      let voices = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("edge_tts_voices")) || [];
      if (!voices.length) voices = await this.fetchVoices();
      const preferredVoice = voices.find(v => v.ShortName === EdgeTTS.DEFAULT_VOICE);
      if (preferredVoice) return EdgeTTS.DEFAULT_VOICE;
      const fallbackVoice = voices.find(v => v.Locale.startsWith("en-GB")) || voices[0];
      return fallbackVoice.ShortName;

     * Establishes a WebSocket connection to the EdgeTTS service.
     * It generates the required secure digest and connection ID.
     * @returns {Promise<void>} Resolves when the connection is successfully established.
    async connect() {
      const secMsGec = await DRM.generateSecMsGec();
      const connectionId = crypto.randomUUID().replace(/-/g, "");
      const url = `wss://${EdgeTTS.BASE_URL}/edge/v1?TrustedClientToken=${DRM.TRUSTED_CLIENT_TOKEN}&Sec-MS-GEC=${secMsGec}&Sec-MS-GEC-Version=1&ConnectionId=${connectionId}`;
      return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { = new WebSocket(url); = "arraybuffer"; // Ensures binary audio data is correctly handled. = () => {
          console.log("WebSocket connected.");
        }; = (error) => {
          console.error("WebSocket Error:", error);
        }; = (event) => {
          console.warn(`WebSocket closed. Code: ${event.code}, Reason: ${event.reason}`);
        }; = (event) => this.processMessage(event);

     * Sends the audio configuration to the EdgeTTS service.
     * The headers in this message (e.g., Content-Type, Path) are critical—do not edit them if you want this to work.
    async sendAudioConfig() {
      const requestId = crypto.randomUUID().replace(/-/g, "");
      const config = [
        "Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8",

     * Sends an SSML (Speech Synthesis Markup Language) request to synthesize the given text.
     * The headers used here (Content-Type, X-Timestamp, Path) must not be altered.
     * @param {string} text - The text to synthesize.
    async sendSSML(text) {
      const requestId = crypto.randomUUID().replace(/-/g, "");
      const timestamp = new Date().toUTCString();
      const ssml = this.generateSSML(text);
      const message = [
      console.log("Sending SSML request...");;

     * Generates SSML markup based on the provided text.
     * The SSML defines the voice and prosody settings (pitch, rate, volume).
     * @param {string} text - The text to be synthesized.
     * @returns {string} The SSML string.
    generateSSML(text) {
      return `<speak version='1.0' xmlns='' xml:lang='en-GB'>
                <voice name='${this.voice}'>
                  <prosody pitch='-2Hz' rate='+1%' volume='+0%'>${text}</prosody>

     * Processes messages received from the WebSocket.
     * It distinguishes between string messages and binary audio data.
     * @param {MessageEvent} event - The WebSocket message event.
    processMessage(event) {
      // If the message is a string, check for end-of-transmission.
      if (typeof === "string") {
        if ("Path:turn.end")) {
      // If the message is binary data (ArrayBuffer), store it as an audio chunk.
      else if ( instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
      // If the message is a Blob, determine if it's audio data or text.
      else if ( instanceof Blob) {
        if (! ||"audio") || === "application/octet-stream") {
 => {
          }).catch(err => {
            console.error("Failed to convert Blob to ArrayBuffer:", err);
        } else {
 => {
            if (text.includes("Path:turn.end")) {
              console.log("Audio transmission complete.");
          }).catch(err => {
            console.error("Failed to decode Blob text:", err);
      } else {
        console.warn("Unknown message type:",;

     * Finalizes audio processing by combining all received audio chunks,
     * creating a Blob, and playing back the synthesized audio.
     * If autoplay is blocked, a play button is created.
    finishAudioProcessing() {
      if (!this.audioChunks.length) {
        console.error("No audio received.");
      const audioBlob = new Blob(this.audioChunks, { type: "audio/mpeg" });
      const audioUrl = URL.createObjectURL(audioBlob);
      const audio = new Audio(audioUrl); => {
        const playButton = document.createElement("button");
        playButton.textContent = "Play TTS Audio";
        playButton.onclick = () => {
      // Close the WebSocket connection if it's still open.
      if ( && === WebSocket.OPEN) {;

     * Initiates the entire speech synthesis process for the provided text.
     * It selects the best voice, connects to the service, sends configuration and SSML requests,
     * and ultimately plays the synthesized audio.
     * @param {string} text - The text to be spoken.
    async speak(text) {
      // A brief pause inserted before the text to help with smooth transitions.
      const pause = "..     ...     .     .   . . .   ";
      // Select the best voice based on preferences and available voices.
      this.voice = await this.getBestVoice();
      // Connect to the TTS service, send configuration, and then send the SSML request.
      await this.connect();
      await this.sendAudioConfig();
      // The text is modified slightly for pacing (do not change this without testing).
      await this.sendSSML(pause + text.replace(".", ". .").replace(",", ",,,,,      "));

The Glue that calls the class and makes it all work

  // Self-invoking async function to demonstrate how to use the EdgeTTS class.
  // Modify this section to integrate TTS into your own application.
  (async () => {
    // Create an instance of the EdgeTTS class.
    // This instance will handle fetching voices, establishing the WebSocket connection,
    // sending SSML requests, and playing back the synthesized audio.
    const tts = new EdgeTTS();

    // Define the text you want to convert to speech.
    // You can change this string to any text that you want the TTS system to speak.
    const text = "The small, curious cat, with its soft, silky fur, carefully stepped onto the warm, cozy mat by the fireplace, stretching its legs and curling up comfortably as the golden glow of the fire flickered across the room.";

    // Fetch the list of available voices from the EdgeTTS service.
    // This step caches the voices in localStorage for faster retrieval later.
    await tts.fetchVoices();

    // Try to synthesize speech using the provided text.
    // The speak() method will:
    //   1. Select the best available voice (or use the default one).
    //   2. Connect to the TTS WebSocket endpoint.
    //   3. Send the necessary audio configuration.
    //   4. Send an SSML request containing your text.
    //   5. Receive audio data and play it back in the browser.
    try {
      console.log("Starting TTS...");
      await tts.speak(text);
    } catch (error) {
      // If there is an error during the TTS process, log it to the console.
      console.error("TTS Error:", error);

The glue without comments, can you see clearly now?

<script src="js/drm.js"><!-- Include the DRM and EdgeTTS code --> </script>
  (async () => {
    const tts = new EdgeTTS();
    const text = "The small, curious cat, with its soft, silky fur, carefully stepped onto the warm, cozy mat by the fireplace, stretching its legs and curling up comfortably as the golden glow of the fire flickered across the room.";
    await tts.fetchVoices();
    try {
      console.log("Starting TTS...");
      await tts.speak(text);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error("TTS Error:", error);

It works directly in the browser using pure JavaScript—there is no need for Python or external plugins. It connects to the same API, sends SSML requests, and plays audio instantly.

Who needs Python when JavaScript rocks? The mystery of Edge-TTS now not quite unsolved, however one thing is clear: you can get high-quality speech synthesis directly in your browser, and no backend is needed.

Want to take it further? Clone the code, experiment, and tweak the voices. Just be mindful—Microsoft might change the API at any moment. Until then, enjoy the ride!

Here are the voices you can use, and it is as simple as a change to one line

Name                               Gender    ContentCategories      VoicePersonalities
---------------------------------  --------  ---------------------  --------------------------------------
af-ZA-AdriNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
af-ZA-WillemNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
am-ET-AmehaNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
am-ET-MekdesNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-AE-FatimaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-AE-HamdanNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-BH-AliNeural                    Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-BH-LailaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-DZ-AminaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-DZ-IsmaelNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-EG-SalmaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-EG-ShakirNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-IQ-BasselNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-IQ-RanaNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-JO-SanaNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-JO-TaimNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-KW-FahedNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-KW-NouraNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-LB-LaylaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-LB-RamiNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-LY-ImanNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-LY-OmarNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-MA-JamalNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-MA-MounaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-OM-AbdullahNeural               Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-OM-AyshaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-QA-AmalNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-QA-MoazNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-SA-HamedNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-SA-ZariyahNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-SY-AmanyNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-SY-LaithNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-TN-HediNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ar-TN-ReemNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-YE-MaryamNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ar-YE-SalehNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
az-AZ-BabekNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
az-AZ-BanuNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
bg-BG-BorislavNeural               Male      General                Friendly, Positive
bg-BG-KalinaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
bn-BD-NabanitaNeural               Female    General                Friendly, Positive
bn-BD-PradeepNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
bn-IN-BashkarNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
bn-IN-TanishaaNeural               Female    General                Friendly, Positive
bs-BA-GoranNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
bs-BA-VesnaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ca-ES-EnricNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ca-ES-JoanaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
cs-CZ-AntoninNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
cs-CZ-VlastaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
cy-GB-AledNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
cy-GB-NiaNeural                    Female    General                Friendly, Positive
da-DK-ChristelNeural               Female    General                Friendly, Positive
da-DK-JeppeNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
de-AT-IngridNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
de-AT-JonasNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
de-CH-JanNeural                    Male      General                Friendly, Positive
de-CH-LeniNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
de-DE-AmalaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
de-DE-ConradNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
de-DE-FlorianMultilingualNeural    Male      General                Friendly, Positive
de-DE-KatjaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
de-DE-KillianNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
de-DE-SeraphinaMultilingualNeural  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
el-GR-AthinaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
el-GR-NestorasNeural               Male      General                Friendly, Positive
en-AU-NatashaNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-AU-WilliamNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
en-CA-ClaraNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-CA-LiamNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
en-GB-LibbyNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-GB-MaisieNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-GB-RyanNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
en-GB-SoniaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-GB-ThomasNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
en-HK-SamNeural                    Male      General                Friendly, Positive
en-HK-YanNeural                    Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-IE-ConnorNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
en-IE-EmilyNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-IN-NeerjaExpressiveNeural       Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-IN-NeerjaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-IN-PrabhatNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
en-KE-AsiliaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-KE-ChilembaNeural               Male      General                Friendly, Positive
en-NG-AbeoNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
en-NG-EzinneNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-NZ-MitchellNeural               Male      General                Friendly, Positive
en-NZ-MollyNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-PH-JamesNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
en-PH-RosaNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-SG-LunaNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-SG-WayneNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
en-TZ-ElimuNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
en-TZ-ImaniNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-US-AnaNeural                    Female    Cartoon, Conversation  Cute
en-US-AndrewMultilingualNeural     Male      Conversation, Copilot  Warm, Confident, Authentic, Honest
en-US-AndrewNeural                 Male      Conversation, Copilot  Warm, Confident, Authentic, Honest
en-US-AriaNeural                   Female    News, Novel            Positive, Confident
en-US-AvaMultilingualNeural        Female    Conversation, Copilot  Expressive, Caring, Pleasant, Friendly
en-US-AvaNeural                    Female    Conversation, Copilot  Expressive, Caring, Pleasant, Friendly
en-US-BrianMultilingualNeural      Male      Conversation, Copilot  Approachable, Casual, Sincere
en-US-BrianNeural                  Male      Conversation, Copilot  Approachable, Casual, Sincere
en-US-ChristopherNeural            Male      News, Novel            Reliable, Authority
en-US-EmmaMultilingualNeural       Female    Conversation, Copilot  Cheerful, Clear, Conversational
en-US-EmmaNeural                   Female    Conversation, Copilot  Cheerful, Clear, Conversational
en-US-EricNeural                   Male      News, Novel            Rational
en-US-GuyNeural                    Male      News, Novel            Passion
en-US-JennyNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Considerate, Comfort
en-US-MichelleNeural               Female    News, Novel            Friendly, Pleasant
en-US-RogerNeural                  Male      News, Novel            Lively
en-US-SteffanNeural                Male      News, Novel            Rational
en-ZA-LeahNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
en-ZA-LukeNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-AR-ElenaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-AR-TomasNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-BO-MarceloNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-BO-SofiaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-CL-CatalinaNeural               Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-CL-LorenzoNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-CO-GonzaloNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-CO-SalomeNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-CR-JuanNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-CR-MariaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-CU-BelkysNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-CU-ManuelNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-DO-EmilioNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-DO-RamonaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-EC-AndreaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-EC-LuisNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-ES-AlvaroNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-ES-ElviraNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-ES-XimenaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-GQ-JavierNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-GQ-TeresaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-GT-AndresNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-GT-MartaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-HN-CarlosNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-HN-KarlaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-MX-DaliaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-MX-JorgeNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-NI-FedericoNeural               Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-NI-YolandaNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-PA-MargaritaNeural              Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-PA-RobertoNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-PE-AlexNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-PE-CamilaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-PR-KarinaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-PR-VictorNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-PY-MarioNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-PY-TaniaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-SV-LorenaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-SV-RodrigoNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-US-AlonsoNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-US-PalomaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-UY-MateoNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
es-UY-ValentinaNeural              Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-VE-PaolaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
es-VE-SebastianNeural              Male      General                Friendly, Positive
et-EE-AnuNeural                    Female    General                Friendly, Positive
et-EE-KertNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
fa-IR-DilaraNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
fa-IR-FaridNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
fi-FI-HarriNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
fi-FI-NooraNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
fil-PH-AngeloNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
fil-PH-BlessicaNeural              Female    General                Friendly, Positive
fr-BE-CharlineNeural               Female    General                Friendly, Positive
fr-BE-GerardNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
fr-CA-AntoineNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
fr-CA-JeanNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
fr-CA-SylvieNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
fr-CA-ThierryNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
fr-CH-ArianeNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
fr-CH-FabriceNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
fr-FR-DeniseNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
fr-FR-EloiseNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
fr-FR-HenriNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
fr-FR-RemyMultilingualNeural       Male      General                Friendly, Positive
fr-FR-VivienneMultilingualNeural   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ga-IE-ColmNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ga-IE-OrlaNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
gl-ES-RoiNeural                    Male      General                Friendly, Positive
gl-ES-SabelaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
gu-IN-DhwaniNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
gu-IN-NiranjanNeural               Male      General                Friendly, Positive
he-IL-AvriNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
he-IL-HilaNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
hi-IN-MadhurNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
hi-IN-SwaraNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
hr-HR-GabrijelaNeural              Female    General                Friendly, Positive
hr-HR-SreckoNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
hu-HU-NoemiNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
hu-HU-TamasNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
id-ID-ArdiNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
id-ID-GadisNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
is-IS-GudrunNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
is-IS-GunnarNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
it-IT-DiegoNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
it-IT-ElsaNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
it-IT-GiuseppeMultilingualNeural   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
it-IT-IsabellaNeural               Female    General                Friendly, Positive
iu-Cans-CA-SiqiniqNeural           Female    General                Friendly, Positive
iu-Cans-CA-TaqqiqNeural            Male      General                Friendly, Positive
iu-Latn-CA-SiqiniqNeural           Female    General                Friendly, Positive
iu-Latn-CA-TaqqiqNeural            Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ja-JP-KeitaNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ja-JP-NanamiNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
jv-ID-DimasNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
jv-ID-SitiNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ka-GE-EkaNeural                    Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ka-GE-GiorgiNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
kk-KZ-AigulNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
kk-KZ-DauletNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
km-KH-PisethNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
km-KH-SreymomNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
kn-IN-GaganNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
kn-IN-SapnaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ko-KR-HyunsuMultilingualNeural     Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ko-KR-InJoonNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ko-KR-SunHiNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
lo-LA-ChanthavongNeural            Male      General                Friendly, Positive
lo-LA-KeomanyNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
lt-LT-LeonasNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
lt-LT-OnaNeural                    Female    General                Friendly, Positive
lv-LV-EveritaNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
lv-LV-NilsNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
mk-MK-AleksandarNeural             Male      General                Friendly, Positive
mk-MK-MarijaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ml-IN-MidhunNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ml-IN-SobhanaNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
mn-MN-BataaNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
mn-MN-YesuiNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
mr-IN-AarohiNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
mr-IN-ManoharNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ms-MY-OsmanNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ms-MY-YasminNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
mt-MT-GraceNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
mt-MT-JosephNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
my-MM-NilarNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
my-MM-ThihaNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
nb-NO-FinnNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
nb-NO-PernilleNeural               Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ne-NP-HemkalaNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ne-NP-SagarNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
nl-BE-ArnaudNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
nl-BE-DenaNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
nl-NL-ColetteNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
nl-NL-FennaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
nl-NL-MaartenNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
pl-PL-MarekNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
pl-PL-ZofiaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ps-AF-GulNawazNeural               Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ps-AF-LatifaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
pt-BR-AntonioNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
pt-BR-FranciscaNeural              Female    General                Friendly, Positive
pt-BR-ThalitaMultilingualNeural    Female    General                Friendly, Positive
pt-PT-DuarteNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
pt-PT-RaquelNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ro-RO-AlinaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ro-RO-EmilNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ru-RU-DmitryNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ru-RU-SvetlanaNeural               Female    General                Friendly, Positive
si-LK-SameeraNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
si-LK-ThiliniNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
sk-SK-LukasNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
sk-SK-ViktoriaNeural               Female    General                Friendly, Positive
sl-SI-PetraNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
sl-SI-RokNeural                    Male      General                Friendly, Positive
so-SO-MuuseNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
so-SO-UbaxNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
sq-AL-AnilaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
sq-AL-IlirNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
sr-RS-NicholasNeural               Male      General                Friendly, Positive
sr-RS-SophieNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
su-ID-JajangNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
su-ID-TutiNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
sv-SE-MattiasNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
sv-SE-SofieNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
sw-KE-RafikiNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
sw-KE-ZuriNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
sw-TZ-DaudiNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
sw-TZ-RehemaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ta-IN-PallaviNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ta-IN-ValluvarNeural               Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ta-LK-KumarNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ta-LK-SaranyaNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ta-MY-KaniNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ta-MY-SuryaNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ta-SG-AnbuNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ta-SG-VenbaNeural                  Female    General                Friendly, Positive
te-IN-MohanNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
te-IN-ShrutiNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
th-TH-NiwatNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
th-TH-PremwadeeNeural              Female    General                Friendly, Positive
tr-TR-AhmetNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
tr-TR-EmelNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
uk-UA-OstapNeural                  Male      General                Friendly, Positive
uk-UA-PolinaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ur-IN-GulNeural                    Female    General                Friendly, Positive
ur-IN-SalmanNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ur-PK-AsadNeural                   Male      General                Friendly, Positive
ur-PK-UzmaNeural                   Female    General                Friendly, Positive
uz-UZ-MadinaNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
uz-UZ-SardorNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
vi-VN-HoaiMyNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
vi-VN-NamMinhNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
zh-CN-XiaoxiaoNeural               Female    News, Novel            Warm
zh-CN-XiaoyiNeural                 Female    Cartoon, Novel         Lively
zh-CN-YunjianNeural                Male      Sports, Novel          Passion
zh-CN-YunxiNeural                  Male      Novel                  Lively, Sunshine
zh-CN-YunxiaNeural                 Male      Cartoon, Novel         Cute
zh-CN-YunyangNeural                Male      News                   Professional, Reliable
zh-CN-liaoning-XiaobeiNeural       Female    Dialect                Humorous
zh-CN-shaanxi-XiaoniNeural         Female    Dialect                Bright
zh-HK-HiuGaaiNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
zh-HK-HiuMaanNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
zh-HK-WanLungNeural                Male      General                Friendly, Positive
zh-TW-HsiaoChenNeural              Female    General                Friendly, Positive
zh-TW-HsiaoYuNeural                Female    General                Friendly, Positive
zh-TW-YunJheNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive
zu-ZA-ThandoNeural                 Female    General                Friendly, Positive
zu-ZA-ThembaNeural                 Male      General                Friendly, Positive

Now Over to You

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